Harbour Properties (North West) Limited - Mortgage, Financial & Legal Services

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Mortgage, Financial & Legal Services

The first step when selling your property is getting your finances in order. It may be a good idea to let your mortgage provider know, that you are considering selling the property, and find out if there are any costs involved in paying back your mortgage in full early. If you are planning on purchasing a new property, think about the kind of mortgage you will require for that transaction. Your mortgage advisor should be able to give you the required information on the type of mortgages you require.

Choosing a solicitor – Transferring the ownership of a property is called conveyancing, and this must be done legally through a solicitor. They will not come on board until you have had an offer accepted at a property, however it is worth having one ready for this moment, and knowing what fees are needed to be paid to them.

Once you have negotiation the terms of contract through both party’s solicitors, the final contract will be finalised and ‘exchanged’. You will pay your deposit, and the sale will then usually complete a short time after. At this point after exchange, yourself and the seller are committed to the sale.

We have partners in the fields of mortgages and conveyancing solicitors that we are happy to pass the details on to if you are looking for help in any of these fields. Please contact a member of staff, who will be more than happy to help in sending you in the right direction.