Harbour Properties (North West) Limited - Guide to Sales

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Guide to Sales

Start selling before you buy 

If you are selling your property to buy another, make sure you have marketed the property for sale before you start looking for a new home.

Get a trusted valuation

It is a good idea to have a valuation on your property before you decide on an asking price. Harbour Properties, will visit you for a free, no obligation consultation where we can advise on our services, answer any questions you may have and advise on what we think a fair asking price would be for your property.

Once you are happy with an asking price, and have decided on the sales service you would like, we will then advertise the property in several places including the online portals Rightmove and On The Market. Please note 96% of potential buyers find their properties through online portals, so using a trusted agent like ourselves, really is the best way to put your property in the shop window.

Prepare your home 

Staging your home correctly is very important when looking for a sale, as the photos in your advert will determine how many potential buyers you get through the door. Maximising interest from buyers online will give you the best chance of a quick sale at a good price. Making sure your home is clean and tidy throughout will help at viewings, and removing any unnecessary clutter, will make the property look more spacious and appealing to potential buyers.